Potential Multi-Baggers – Best Stocks To Invest In 2022

Potential Multi-Baggers – Best Stocks To Invest In 2022

The Russell 1000 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index that includes the top 1,000 publicly listed firms in the United States. It accounts for over 92 percent of the total market capitalization (market cap) of all publicly traded equities in the United States. As a result, it is regarded as a leading indicator for large-cap investment. Apple Inc., Johnson & Johnson, and The Walt Disney Co. are among the index’s biggest firms. It’s worth noting that Russia’s continuous invasion of Ukraine, as well as related sanctions and geopolitical activities, has had a substantial influence on several market sectors. In recent weeks, energy stocks have enjoyed a significant increase.


Highest value stocks

Value investing is a factor-based investment technique in which you select stocks that you feel are selling for less than their inherent value, generally by comparing the stock’s price to one or more fundamental company measures. The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is a frequently used value statistic. Value investors think that if a company’s stock price is low relative to its inherent value (as measured by its P/E ratio in this example), the stock price will climb quicker than others as the price catches up to the company’s worth. These stocks have one of the lowest 12-month trailing P/E ratios.

Potential Multi-Baggers - Best Stocks To Invest In 2022
Source: YCharts

Top growth stocks

These are the best stocks, according to a growth model that weights firms’ most recent quarterly YOY percentage revenue growth and their most recent quarterly YOY earnings per share (EPS) growth 50/50. Sales and profitability are both important variables in a company’s success. As a result, evaluating organizations based on only one growth indicator exposes them to accounting irregularities of the quarter (such as changes in tax legislation or restructuring charges) that may render one or the other statistic unrepresentative of the company as a whole. Outliers were defined as companies with a quarterly EPS or sales increase of more than 2,500 percent.

Potential Multi-Baggers - Best Stocks To Invest In 2022
Source: YCharts

Stocks with the most momentum

Momentum investing is a factor-based investment approach that includes buying a stock that has increased in price faster than the market as a whole. Stocks that have outperformed the market, according to momentum investors, will frequently continue to do so since the characteristics that prompted them to thrive will not vanish overnight. In addition, additional investors looking to profit from the stock’s outperformance would frequently buy it, driving up the price and pushing the stock even higher. The stocks with the highest total return over the last 12 months are listed below.

Potential Multi-Baggers - Best Stocks To Invest In 2022
Source: YCharts

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