Here are Some weird Posts From Wikipedia

Here are Some weird Posts From Wikipedia

Talk: List of Sexually Active Popes

Holy Smoke, Antipopes And More: A Guide To Popes And The Papacy
The concept of a list of popes who were sexually active at some point is self-evident – it’s a Wikipedian (unique right) way of categorizing history in the age of search engines.

“According to the doctrines of the Catholic Church, the pope (along with other clergy) is expected to be celibate and chaste as well,” the article says. Because clerical celibacy is not a doctrine, this is incorrect. It is a rule that applies to Latin Rite priests and some (but not all) Eastern Catholic Churches. Married men may be ordained to the priesthood in some Eastern Churches. (However, once ordained, a single man is unable to marry.)

It should also be noted that chastity and celibacy are the same thing for a single person. Chastity, on the other hand, is faithfulness to one’s spouse and responsible use of the gift of sexuality for a married person.”

Here is the whole thing:

Helicopter Prison Escapes

Video released of brazen 2013 Quebec helicopter prison break - YouTube

No, it is not an action movie, it is the real deal. And here is the whole story:

It will be funny and interesting to read of the ”yeses” in the sheet you will about to witness.

A List of Lists of Lists

Wikipedia Has a List of Lists of Lists and Achieves Nirvana | The Mary Sue

People, look no further. We know you’ve been anticipating this:)) Are you looking for an article that includes a list of other articles? You’ve arrived at the right location:D

What a time to be alive:

Political Catchphrases

Political Phrases and Idioms - Witty Wordsmith

Are you considering a career in politics? This one’s for you: learn how volatile international politics can be. Here’s the list; please thank us later, and remember us when you become president:

Inventors killed by their own inventions

20 Inventors Killed by their Own Inventions

This one sounds really ironic.

Here it is

The goal of invention is to make life better for people. It is the last thing anyone would expect or want to happen to the inventor. This reveals something about the human-technology relationship. While much good is done, there are sometimes unintended consequences.

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