12 Things to Do When You’re Dreading Going to Work
We all have days when we are dissatisfied with our jobs. It’s perfectly normal to have bad days at work.
But if you dread going to work every day, something is wrong, and getting through it can be difficult.
If you despise your job, here are some suggestions for dealing with your situation:
1. Don’t put too much emphasis on it.
Negative feelings should be avoided at all costs. This will only lead you deeper into a terrible situation. If you can’t completely pull yourself out of this bad situation, don’t sink into it on purpose.
2. Are you able to concentrate on teamwork?
Even if you despise your job, are you able to get along with your coworkers? Make friends at work to help you cope with the stress of going to work every day. Focus on the things that make you laugh with your coworkers to help you get rid of that dreadful feeling.
3. Get up a little earlier for the things you enjoy.
If you get out of bed and go straight to a job you don’t care for, you’re going to be sluggish and grumpy all day. Instead, get up a little earlier to begin your day with activities you enjoy. Prepare a delicious breakfast, read a book, or keep a journal, whatever it takes. Then you’ll be able to start your workday on a positive note.
4. Determine the source of the problem.
Try to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes you dread going to work. Is it the customers’ fault? What about the actual work? Or perhaps a boss? Whatever it is, if you know what’s causing your annoyance, you’ll be able to deal with it more effectively.
5. Keep in mind why you are going to work.
Remind yourself that you require employment for a specific reason. Consider why you took the job in the first place, such as supporting your family or paying your rent, and how this can help you stay energized throughout the day.
6. Make it a point to do something fun on Sunday nights.
Make an effort not to put off your weekend chores until Sunday evening. Sunday nights are especially difficult if you dread going to work. You’ve only had a small taste of freedom over the weekend, and when Sunday comes around, it can overwhelm you. So you can still enjoy the last hours of the weekend without dreading Monday morning, save Sunday night for, particularly fun and relaxing activities.
7. No job is perfect.
When you dread going to work every day, any job may seem like a better option. But this isn’t always the case. After all, the grass is always greener on the other side. There are aspects of every job that make you wish you could go home, and no job is perfect.
8. Make plans with your friends.
Make plans with friends instead of leaving work to go straight home and relax! Socializing can make you feel more upbeat and take your mind off your worries. Spending time with friends who enjoy their jobs can also inspire you to seek out a new one for yourself. Friends can be a great source of support, so if you need assistance, ask for it!
9. Maintain your organization.
Keep your workspace clean and, if possible, decorate it! If your desk is cluttered and messy, it will only add to your negative mood. Instead, try cleaning it up at the end of each day so you can wake up to a clean environment. Also, consider doing some light decorating, such as bringing in photos of friends or family or purchasing a small plant. You might be surprised at how much of a difference this can make in your mood.
10. Pay attention to what you’re learning.
Even if you despise going to work, there’s a good chance you’re still learning something from it. Concentrate on that, and your perspective on your job will change dramatically. Consider it as if you’re perfecting your own skills and achieving your own objectives. This will give you the impression that you are working for yourself and will make you feel more optimistic about your situation. It may even help you in becoming a better employee.
11. Create a list
Make a list, even if it’s just a to-do list, and enjoy the satisfaction of crossing something off your to-do list. You can at least feel like you’re doing a good job if you’re stuck at a job you despise. It feels great to get things done, even if it’s just a small task!
12. Take action to address it
Yes, the most difficult solution is also the most rewarding. Get a new job if you truly despise your current one. I agree that it is much easier said than done.
Read about the Pomodoro Method here!